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We have an Open Door Policy at St Brigid's.  No matter what stage in life we are at, all of us need some kind of support.  Many students will use this facility to deal with a problem or seeking help.

Our Chaplaincy can be described under the following headings;

Ministry to the students.

Ministry to the family of the student.

Ministry to all members of staff.

Ministry to past pupils.

Ministry through the liturgy.


Through leading and organising prayer, meditation and other forms of liturgy St Brigid's reminds the students that God is with them through life and in particular through the school year.


The Chaplaincy works closely with all those involved in promoting the "Goals" of St Brigid's School linking closely with Religious Education on moral issues based upon the Catholic perspective.

The Rosary is recited in The Chapel every day at 12.35pm, and all are welcome. Reciting the Rosary every lunch time is the foundation of our school – it has been prayed in the middle of the day, every day, since the school was founded.

Ultimately, the Chaplaincy seeks to promote an awareness of the love of Christ for each member of the school community and them work together in recognising the needs both within and outside the community, helping each other to fulfil the words of Jesus Christ as written is St Matthew's Gospel:

"Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?  When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, naked and clothe you?  When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this one of the lest of my brothers and sisters, you did it to me".

Sister Elizabeth Kelly
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Sister Elizabeth Kelly, CSB more fondly known as "Sister Liz" was a past pupil, teacher and Headteacher of St Brigid's.  Following her retirement, she became the Chaplain for St Brigid's.

Quite simply, Sister Liz was "St Brigid's" and her personality and ethos still resonates today.

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