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In summary Estyn found that strengths at St Brigid’s outweigh areas for improvement (in Estyn terms – Adequate). The Governing Body acknowledged that the Inspection team found many aspects of the school  to be ‘good’ and recognised the progress that has been made since the last inspection.

Within the report the Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body have already identified some clear areas for improvement to continue to move the school forward and we look forward to working with all relevant parties including our pupils and families in the upcoming year to achieve those.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Tony Hannigan

Chair of Governors

"The quality of teaching supports pupils to make strong progress".

"Younger pupils pray for older pupils who are sitting their examinations. Senior pupils work effectively with younger pupils and help them with the development of their literacy and numeracy skills".

"There is a wide range of well-attended extra-curricular musical and subject related activities. These have a positive impact on developing pupils’ interests and attitudes to learning".

"Pastoral care and the extensive range of extra-curricular activities have developed a strong sense of community at the school".

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