We believe communication between parents and school is of paramount importance. We regularly send out communications using the SIMS app. You can also keep up to date by reading out regular St Brigid's newsletter.
Click below to read the latest edition.
Our teachers and staff are happy to talk and should be your first port of contact at school. If you wish to contact us about your child please telephone the school office on 01745 815 228 or email
Absence Line
Parents are asked to telephone the St Brigid's absence line on 01745 815 228 and choose option 1 to report a pupil absence. This is an automated line and parents should leave the name of their child, child’s form group or class and the reason for absence.
Alternatively, parents can email with the same information. Please contact the school as early as possible and not later than 9.00a.m., if a pupil cannot attend school because of illness.
At St Brigid's we use ParentPay to allow parents to pay for school meals, trips and other activities. This is a secure cashless method of payment.
Please contact school for an activation letter to open an account.