Teacher: Mr. A.P. Roberts
Here in ICT we have a couple of option choices at GCSE level. Pupils can choose either Information Communication Technology (ICT) or Computer Science.
Technology is ever changing and the value of technology is there for all to see. This is always a growing area for Business and developments in so many ways.
What you learn in Information Communication Technology (ICT)
In Units 1 and 3 which are year 10 and 11 respectively you will learn about current and
emerging technologies and their impact on individuals, organisations and society, whilst
considering issues of risk, safety, security and responsible use of ICT. You will also
become familiar with a variety of application programs including web development
systems, database management systems, multimedia software, graphics and animation software.
Units 1 and 3 are theory based in which you will be taught using the latest techniques
for learning and recall. You will sit an examination for Unit 1 at the end of Year 10 and sit the Unit 3 examination at the end of Year 11.
Units 2 and 4 are both extended practical tasks in which you will learn to solve problems using ICT, using your creative, logical and critical skills to deliver exciting multimedia solutions for particular audiences.
You will follow the WJEC Specification through the medium of English.
ICT is useful in so many areas of modern life but the course can prepare you
particularly for careers in modern media, ICT consultancy, digital animation and graphic
This subject differs from ICT in that it looks at how computers actually work inside and programming them to make them do things. Whereas ICT deals more with how to use them.
This two-year course is split into 3 areas:
Unit 1 prepares students for a theory examination based on everything they have studied over the previous two years. This covers areas such as Computer
systems, Data representation, Computer software, Networks, The Internet and
communications, Algorithms, Programming and finally the Ethical, social, and legal aspects of computer science.
Unit 2 is a practical examination which is a mixture of applying theory into practice, designing solutions to problems and coding a computer game in Java using Greenfoot programming software.
Unit 3 requires students to design and develop a piece of work using python programming software following a task brief issued by WJEC. Students have to not only code a solution to the problem but test their solution thoroughly and create a report to explain what they have done and how everything works.
You will follow the WJEC Specification through the medium of English.
Typically students who sit this course would be looking to progress to sit A Level Computer Science before going to study this subject in University.
Famous people who have succeeded in this subject area.
Bill Gates, CEO Microsoft Corporation
Steve Wozniak, Co-founder Apple Computers
Larry Page, Co-founder Google Inc.
Sergey Brin, Co-founder Google Inc.