What will I learn?
In Mathematics students will be studying for the new 2 GCSE Mathematics: Numeracy and Mathematics (Techniques) GCSEs. The Numeracy GCSE will concentrate on Number topics in Mathematics and the Mathematics GCSE will concentrate on the other 3 areas of Algebra, Shape and Space and Handling Data. The Numeracy GCSE will concentrate on applying number skills to real life situations. Numeracy explores the properties of numbers, how to manipulate them using various numerical techniques and enabling you to solve a wide range of problems and real-life situations involving mathematics. The Mathematics (Techniques) GCSE will look mainly at the other 3 areas where Algebraic rules are learnt and applied both in a ‘pure’ mathematical form and as a tool to solving problems as well as using graphs in a wide range of activities.
How will I learn?
You will use a variety of computational, algebraic, communication and ICT skills to explore the world of mathematics and be able to use your knowledge to mathematical applications in the real world and real-life situations.
How will I be assessed?
Being a linear course you will sit the final external examinations at the end of Year 11. The tier of examination (Higher/Intermediate and Foundation) that pupils get entered for will define the grades that they can attain.
What next after the course?
The GCSE course leads on to the AS and A level Mathematics courses offered through the Consortium.
Future employment opportunities? Mathematics underlies a vast range of human activity and the list of careers where A-level Mathematics are essential or desirable is endless; some examples are engineering, surveying, banking and finance, economics, medicine and aerospace. A Degree in Mathematics is a passport to being considered a serious contender for a wide range of jobs in the 21st Century.