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Cyflwyno'r Adran Gymraeg / Introduction to the Welsh Department

Welsh is a Brythonic language, meaning British Celtic in origin and was spoken in Britain even before the Roman occupation. It is thought to have arrived in Britain around 600 BC, the Celtic language evolved in the British Isles into a Brythonic tongue which provided the basis not only for Welsh, but also Breton and Cornish. Today Wales is a bilingual country and the ability to speak Welsh is becoming increasingly important as the Welsh Assembly Government aims to have a million Welsh speakers by 2050.  All pupils at St Brigid’s School learn Welsh as a Second Language, with an emphasis on how important being bilingual is in today’s world. Welsh is taught through variety of teaching methods and deliver the 4 skills required in the subject – reading, writing, speaking and listening, though a variety of teaching styles.

In addition, at Key Stage 3, the poems set for learners as part of the Urdd Eisteddfod are also studied.

These topics are taught using a variety of teaching methods and resources. The department makes use of many online Welsh language resources on HWB, as well as magazines like IAW.

Pupils at Key Stage3  have opportunity to participate in the Urdd’s annual Eisteddfod and have the chance to compete in singing, dancing, and writing competitions through the medium of Welsh.

There are also numerous opportunities for teams to compete in the Urdd’s sporting competitions.

Cymraeg Cyfnod Allweddol 3 / Welsh Key Stage 3

Welsh at KS3 builds a solid foundation of language skills, and develops pupils’ understanding of a wide variety of sentence structures and vocabulary. We aim to ensure that all learners develop the ability and confidence to communicate effectively orally; respond to a wide range of reading materials; and produce clear and accurate writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Themâu Astudiwyd /Topics Studied:

Blwyddyn 7 /Year 7

Fi fy hun -Myself

Ysgol – School

Teulu – Family

Disgrifio pobl – Describing people

Blwyddyn  8/Year 8

Fy Ardal – My Area

Anifeiliaid – Animals

Straeon Aerswyd – Horror Stories

Chwedlau Cymraeg – Welsh Myths

Blwyddyn  9 /Year 9

Amser Hamdden – Leisure Time

Bwyd a Bwyta’n Iach – Food and Healthy Eating

Delwedd – Image

Gwyliau - Holidays

Cymraeg Cyfnod Allweddol 4 /Welsh Key Stage 4

Studying the Welsh Second Language GCSE course will provide experiences for pupils that will allow them to reach their full potential in Welsh. The pupils will become aware of the use made of the Welsh language in contemporary Wales by fostering a positive attitude towards the language and the culture. Pupils’ skills will be developed in order to allow them to communicate effectively and purposefully in their everyday lives, and to compete on a level playing field in the world of work in the bilingual society of the 21st century.

This GCSE specification in Welsh Second Language will enable candidates to:


Understand and use the language for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Develop language learning skills and strategies in order to enable candidates to communicate and interact confidently and spontaneously in relevant situations and specified context.

Develop language learning skills and strategies to enable candidates to develop their grasp of Welsh further.

Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in an integrated manner, emphasising listening and speaking skills.

Use Welsh in further studies, in the workplace and in their communities.

Develop curiosity about the Welsh language.

TGAU Cymraeg Ail Iaith / GCSE Welsh Second Language

The qualification is made up of four units: Unit 1 and Unit 2 are speaking and listening assessments; Unit 3 and Unit 4 are reading and writing examinations. The course is suitable for teaching over two years.

The context for learning the language is organised under three broad themes:


Wales and the World


Asesiad TGAU /GCSE Assessment

Uned 1 /Unit 1

Oracy - Communicate with others

25% of the total mark

A task for a pair / group of three based on a video clip provided by the WJEC to stimulate discussion. The assessment will consist of two parts which are to be carried out in the following order:

1.Watch a visual clip (twice) and fill in a sheet while listening to the stimulus

2.Discussion between the pair/group of three on what was watched.


Uned 2 /Unit 2

Oracy - response to visual material

25% of the total mark

A task for a pair / group of three based on a visual stimulus (Sbardun) provided by the WJEC to stimulate discussion. The assessment will consist of two parts which are to be carried out in the following order:

1. Preparation to discuss facts/information on the stimulus

2.Discussion between the pair/group of three about the topic.


Uned 3 /Unit 3

Reading and Writing Examination

25% of the total mark

(15%) – Reading (10%) – Writing

Report, specific and instructional

Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

Reading and writing tasks with non-verbal and written responses, including one translation task from English to Welsh and a proofreading task.


Uned 4 /Unit 4

Reading and Writing Examination

25% of the total mark

(10%) – Reading (15%) – Writing


Descriptive, creative and imaginative

Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

Reading and writing tasks with non-verbal and written responses.

Entry Level Welsh
Unit 1:
Written examination: 1 hour
25% of qualification (40 marks)

Section A:

Non-literary reading A mixture of short answer questions, structured questions and multiple choice questions in response to two or three short texts, including one fragmentary text.


Text editing task focusing on understanding a short text at word, sentence and text level.


Section B:

Proofreading task focusing on writing accurately.

Writing for a specific purpose – one extended writing task.

An externally assessed unit.


Unit 2: 
Non-examination Assessment – Written Tasks
45% of the qualification (60 marks)

3 tasks – one reading task and two written tasks

Task 1: Reading – creative response to literary material

Task 2: Writing – descriptive or narrative

Task 3: Written response in Welsh to an English text – translanguaging.

Internal Assessment


Unit 3:  Unit 3 Non-examination Assessment – Oral tasks
30% of qualification (20 marks)


Task 1: Individual presentation on a specific topic

Task 2: Response and interaction – discussion of a film/episode of a television series/documentary programme

Internal Assessment

This qualification will be available in the summer series each year.

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